WARR : The World Airline Road Race

LINK <<== NEW "year by year" Memorabilia WARR site ==>>
(opens new window)
Click to see the event tee shirts <<<  Event tee shirts for each WARR from 1982 to 2012
(these are the shirts that are given out to all competitors)

A selection of BA team tee shirt designs  >>>

Click to see selected BA tee shirts
Click to see the event medals <<<  WARR medals (given to all finishers) to 2012

WARRLondon 2010 Festival website >>>

Click to go to links to other related websites

<<< Links to other WARR related sites

Click on the images above or to the left to see content.
Click on "...Photos" to see photographs taken at the most recent WARR. Check the RUNNING section for photos at other WARRs and for other running related content.

WARR Section